To make any investments on Whisky Partners, we'll need to verify your account.
Verification is a legal requirement from His Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC), and is a part of our Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance process.
To verify your account:
In the app, go to Account > Verify account
Enter your date of birth
Enter your name and the address
Verify your account with Onfido
Verification with Onfido
To confirm that your personal details are correct, you'll need to go through a digital verification process with Onfido. Before you start, you'll need:
Your smartphone
ID, passport, or your driver's license
Onfido verification process:
Enter the document issuing country
Select the type of document you prepared
Click Continue on phone > Download safe link
Scan the QR code
Follow the instructions on your smartphone
Finish the verification process
Your account should be immediately verified in most cases. If you're having trouble getting verified, please take a look at our Verification troubleshooting article.
Start investing
You can start investing as soon as your account is verified. If you're not sure what to invest in, you can book an expert call within the app.